

n. pathologically excessive talking

Support and Feedback
System Requirements
   Mac OS X 10.2 or higher

What People Are Saying

"Despite its unpleasant-sounding name, it's actually a useful (and pleasant) product."
4 MiceMacworld Review

Your one-stop iChat log-viewing solution

Logorrhea is your one-stop solution for iChat log browsing and searching. iChat can be configured to log all messages sent and received, which is all fine and good - until you need to actually find a specific conversation, at which point you're stucker than a bleeding pig. Enter Logorrhea. It pulps, it purees, it locates incriminating past conversations with incredible speed!



Version History

1.3.1 [2006-03-04]
  • Improved international support, again
  • Built as Universal Binary
1.3 [2005-04-17]
  • Allow loading of Tiger iChat transcripts
  • Reworked some of the transcript loading code
  • Search now scrolls directly to the search term
  • Fixed some buddy merging bugs
  • Fixed focus ring appearance
  • Improved support for international systems
  • Added support for chat files sorted into sub-folders of the iChats folder (thanks Jay Soffian)
1.2.2 [2003-10-28]
  • Fixed an issue on Panther causing chats from different dates to appear separately, rather than grouped together
  • Slightly improved cosmetics on Panther
  • Fixed a bug causing equivalent screen names with differing case to be split apart
  • Fixed default tab to "browse"
1.2.1 [2003-07-16]
  • Fixed an issue with the "Export Chats" feature not working properly
  • Fixed a crash while searching
  • Fixed various small issues
1.2 [2003-07-09]
  • Added search term highlighting
  • Added "Export Chats" feature
1.1 [2003-03-29]
  • Added chat log viewing within Logorrhea
  • Greatly improved loading speed
  • Added threaded search with incremental results
  • Changed search behavior to boolean AND
  • Improved UI behavior
  • Resolves nicknames in chat logs using Address Book
  • Changed date sorting to reverse chronological
1.0 [2002-12-16]
  • Initial public release.
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