Logorrhea is your one-stop solution for iChat log browsing and searching.
iChat can be configured to log all messages sent and received, which is all fine and good -
until you need to actually find a specific conversation, at which point you're stucker than a bleeding pig.
Enter Logorrhea. It pulps, it purees, it locates incriminating past conversations with incredible speed!
Fast browsing of logs by buddy and date.
Keyword searching of logs.
Viewing of chat logs within Logorrhea
Version History
1.3.1 [2006-03-04]
Improved international support, again
Built as Universal Binary
1.3 [2005-04-17]
Allow loading of Tiger iChat transcripts
Reworked some of the transcript loading code
Search now scrolls directly to the search term
Fixed some buddy merging bugs
Fixed focus ring appearance
Improved support for international systems
Added support for chat files sorted into sub-folders of the iChats folder (thanks Jay Soffian)
1.2.2 [2003-10-28]
Fixed an issue on Panther causing chats from different dates to appear separately, rather than grouped together
Slightly improved cosmetics on Panther
Fixed a bug causing equivalent screen names with differing case to be split apart
Fixed default tab to "browse"
1.2.1 [2003-07-16]
Fixed an issue with the "Export Chats" feature not working properly
Fixed a crash while searching
Fixed various small issues
1.2 [2003-07-09]
Added search term highlighting
Added "Export Chats" feature
1.1 [2003-03-29]
Added chat log viewing within Logorrhea
Greatly improved loading speed
Added threaded search with incremental results
Changed search behavior to boolean AND
Improved UI behavior
Resolves nicknames in chat logs using Address Book