

Pirate Communication.... Made easy!

Download 0.A (2MB)
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   Mac OS X 10.2 or higher

Shiver Me Timbers!

iPatches was developed to promote communication between pirates, whether at home or on the high seas. Its "speakerphone" style interface is easy to operate -- even with a hook!

iPatches is essential software for all rogues, brigands, corsairs, privateers, and outlaws of the waves. Stop reading and download it now.


Customers Rave

- naomi van tol - www.spiny.com/naomi/

"Avast me hearties!!"
- jan van tol - www.spiny.com/jan/

Version History

0.A [2003-09-03]
  • First public release
  • Added PirateVoicePro technology
  • Improvements to Matey List UI
  • Improved performance over SeaPort wireless networks
  • Added Secret Parrot Mode
  • Fought off scurvy mutineers
  • Buried treasure; marked spot with X
0.571 [2003-09-03]
  • Under the influence of grog, designed application; wrote and tested code
  • Miserable failure -- keelhauled Distributed Objects technology
  • Replaced CoreAudio frameworks with ScrimShaw Audio Toolbox
  • While drinking grog accidentally deleted all the code; started over
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